Feeder Road battery storage
Award winning 20MW battery project located on Feeder Road in Bristol.
Project Summary
Feeder Road battery stores electricity when energy is abundant and exceeding demand and exports it back to the grid during peak usage times. This site had originally been proposed for a diesel-fuelled Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) plant. However the local community, led by Bristol Energy Co-operative (BEC) and Residents Against Dirty Energy (RADE) successfully fought against the plan resulting in developers proposing a battery storage project as an alternative. In recognition of the community effort to support the project, we have been able to offer local residents the opportunity to own a stake in it through shared ownership with BEC. We are proud to be the first commercial owner in the UK to offer shared ownership in a standalone battery project. The project won the Collaboration in Community Energy Award at the 2023 Community Energy Awards.
Our team has also developed a landscape plan to help protect and enhance the biodiversity at the site. This includes installing a number of bird, bat and invertebrate boxes, as well as planting trees, hedgerows, species rich grassland, shade scrub and native ferns that will strengthen local habitat corridors and provide wildlife with food, nectar and pollen.
Operational Since
Image gallery
Images from our Feeder Road battery site in Bristol, from construction through to operation.