Procurement and supply chain

The dignity and wellbeing of everyone involved in manufacturing equipment for our clean energy projects is of paramount importance to Thrive.

Through our commitment to transparency, as well as by asking difficult questions, we're able to make procurement decisions that align with our values. 

All businesses which source industrial equipment and electronics from the global supply chain face significant challenges with transparency and human rights are a particular concern in emerging economies. 

The situation is changing rapidly in the solar and battery supply chain and there are currently no perfect solutions. We are honest about the challenges we face and do not take responses from those involved in the supply chain at face value. We have and will turn down opportunities to invest in solar projects using panels that do not satisfy our ethical procurement criteria. 

These are the actions we've taken over the last two years to ensure we're making well-informed decisions in the production and procurement of clean energy infrastructure.

  • Supported research into potential to produce UK sustainable lithium at United Downs – the UK’s first geothermal electricity power plant – which we are invested in.  
  • Commissioned independent third party analysis of the global solar supply chain with independent expert consultants to provide an initial screening of manufacturers’ performance against our ethical criteria. 
  • Conducted further analysis of our own using supplier questionnaires and follow up meetings to ask specific questions that relate to our expectations and to obtain more granular information at the product level. 
  • Developed a dynamic list of preferred supply chains based on human rights practices in the sourcing and manufacturing of panels and associated electronics.  
  • Maintained our commitment not to source batteries containing cobalt, a rare earth mineral which has been linked to child labour, unless responsible sources can be verified. 
  • Continually review our supply chain strategy and procurement policy to ensure we keep asking the difficult questions and making responsible procurement decisions based on the information available at the time.  
  • Continued to use our voice and position in the industry to encourage better practice and seek ways to move the dial for the industry in addition to procurement process. 
  • Participated in consultations on the Solar Stewardship Initiative’s new ESG standard code via our membership of Solar UK.

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