
15 Feb 2024

Thrive's first hydro-electric project secures another 25 years of operation

25 year life extension agreed for the 1MW project in Western Scotland.
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Article written by alex.lomax

The operational life of our 1MW Beochlich hydro project has been extended for a further 25 years. The project, which has been operating since 1998, is located on the south-east side of Loch Awe in Argyll, an area recognised as one of the best locations for small scale hydro-electric generation in the country.  

Beochlich consists of two Pelton 21X2.45 turbines, fed via a pipeline which creates the pressure to drive the turbines most efficiently. A storage reservoir is incorporated which allows the flow to be regulated to an optimum level when rainfall is high as well as store water during periods of lower rainfall. Water diverted from the Beochlich Burn is returned to the same water course downstream. 

The project generates roughly 4.5GWh of renewable electricity a year – enough to power 1,126 UK homes. As well as being a key renewable energy source, the hydro project helps to regulate the water flow at Beochlich which is positive for plant health and irrigation purposes.  

“As one of the first ever clean energy projects that we built in 1998, Beochlich is a living example of the long term benefits and stability that renewables have to offer. After a productive 25 years supplying clean, homegrown power to the grid, the hydro project will remain an asset in Scotland’s net zero journey for a further 25 years, whilst continuing to benefit the surrounding natural habitat.”

Matthew Clayton, Managing Director, Thrive Renewables

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