
05 Jun 2020

Webinar: funding your community energy project

One of the biggest challenges facing community energy groups is funding.
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Article written by anna.cooper

Community ownership based on crowdfunding is the bedrock of the movement, but most projects cannot be funded entirely by ‘the crowd’, certainly not initially at the development stage.

Hear from the experts who spend their days evaluating renewable energy projects and modelling a range of finance and development options to create robust, successful schemes. The session will cover the fundamentals of your business plan including feasibility, how your energy will be sold and what to consider from a finance perspective. The panel will also explore how to access the funds you need to make your community energy project happen.


Welcome –  Matthew Clayton, Managing Director, Thrive Renewables

Early stage funding  – John Taylor, Energy Projects Manager, Greater South East Energy Hub

Mean Moor wind farm, case study – Energy4All

Community Energy funding options  – Monika Paplaczyk, Senior Investment Manager, Thrive Renewables

Question & Answer session

Attendance is free and open to members and supporters of community energy groups. The session is informal and interactive, there will be plenty of time for questions.

This event is part of Community Energy Fortnight, which Thrive Renewables is proud to sponsor.

Register here.