
20 May 2019

Thrive shortlisted for two prestigious awards with partner GreenPower International

Drumduff, our iconic, award-winning wind farm built as a joint venture with GreenPower International, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Renewable Energy Association – Outstanding Project Award.
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Article written by alex.lomax

The three-turbines are built on the site of a former open cast coalmine in Scotland, a powerful symbol of the country’s transition from polluting fossil fuels to cleaner, greener renewable energy. The project is forecast to generate enough renewable electricity to meet the annual demand of 5,458 UK homes and first exported to the grid in early summer 2018.

Drumduff wind farm was officially opened by local MSP Alison Johnstone at a community open day in September 2018 attended by 400 people. The opening celebrated years of hard work transforming a derelict former coal mine into a wind farm fit for the future, generating renewable electricity.

Thrive has also been shortlisted for the Financial Leadership Award for our Community Energy Funding Bridge, a funding model which provides temporary finance for communities wishing to purchase or build their own renewable energy projects. It allows local people to take ownership of renewable energy projects near them and reap the financial, social and environmental rewards.

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Drumduff wind farm construction

The successful transition from coal to clean energy