
01 Jan 2018

Thrive investor survey results

As part of our Half Year Report we asked investors how we're doing with our communications. Here are the results and thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. The survey is now closed.
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Article written by alex.lomax

This survey is now closed as of December 2017.

Survey results and feedback

Thank you to all our investors who took the time to complete our short survey about how we are communicating as a company. It’s important that we hear your feedback and we were pleased to receive a total of 130 individual responses.

Here’s a summary of how we’re improving our communications as a result of your feedback:

  • We’ll keep sending out printed copies of our reports to those individuals without computers or limited access to the internet. We realise this is very important to some of our investors.
  • We’ll continue to provide the right balance of information in our reports that will help you as an investor to understand Thrive’s growth and performance. We shall communicate this information using clear examples and plain English.
  • We have put together a section on the website to explain how we are funding community projects. Instead of using the term: ‘mezzanine’, we have now called this type of finance model, the ‘Thrive Community Bridge’. You can understand more about it here
  • We’ve made it easier to understand how to ‘sell’ thrive shares – it is the same way in which you buy them, through our monthly share auctions. We have made this clearer on the website here. If in any doubt, please contact us and we can explain further.